From Sunnyvale to Eureka

It is surreal to think that I am currently fulfilling one of my childhood dreams while tragedy has struck Nepal. Events like this make me realize just how small we are and how brief our time here is. So grab your opportunities when they come! If anyone hasn’t made their donation yet to help, I am a big fan of Foundation Beyond Belief.

So today I am at Cal Courts in Eureka to meet the CrossFitters there and hopefully inspire them to join the Be the Match registry! I’ve been talking to people on the road about Be the Match and everyone has been incredibly supportive, but this is my first arranged meeting! Frances sent swab kits up, and I’m super excited to get them distributed to new potential marrow donors. Wish me luck!

But I suppose I should do a summary of the first week on the road. It has been such an incredible week.

Erik, Lori, and Sue accompanied me for the start of my journey.

Erik, Lori, and Sue accompanied me for the start of my journey.

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Coastal Trip Day 7: Lompoc to Santa Barbara (but really Carpinteria)

Day 7. Could it really be Day 7 already? Our last day?

The Chinese character for 7 is not as exciting as the one for 6.

The Chinese character for 7 is not as exciting as the one for 6.

I was so sad that our trip was coming to an end. Erik had predicted that by the end of the trip we would be debating continuing on to Los Angeles. I was all for it! Unfortunately, things like “work” and “money” kept us from being too impulsive. Continue reading

Coastal Trip Day 5: San Simeon to Pismo Beach

On the morning of Day 5, we woke up in San Simeon thinking about breakfast. Real, hot breakfast, with eggs and toast and hashbrowns and bacon and pancakes. However, there weren’t any great breakfast options in our immediate vicinity, so we did what we always do: we got on our bikes.

Let's go find breakfast!

Let’s go find breakfast!

About six foggy miles later we were in the cute, sleepy town of Cambria. We wandered down Main Street until we found the local breakfast joint, where we burst in on the quiet scene with our neon windbreakers and sniffly noses to bask in the warmth of steaming mugs of coffee. Continue reading

Coastal Trip Day 4: Big Sur to San Simeon

The dreaded day. Day 4.

This was going to be our most difficult day. There isn’t a whole lot of lodging available in Big Sur, so we just had to keep going until we reached San Simeon. That’s about 65 miles. 65 miles with lots and lots of climbs.

Of course, it was also a ride along the coast of Big Sur, so the scenery should be plenty of motivation.

The coffee shop at Fernwood didn’t open until 8:00, and we didn’t bring the JetBoil, so there would be no coffee for us if we wanted to get on the road at a reasonable time. This distressed Cortney and myself, but Erik promised to bring coffee to us at the top of a hill. There was some Coke for the caffeine-desperate to chase down our light breakfast of trail mix, and then we pedaled off into the mist.

day 4 wake up

No coffee just yet this morning… but there’s Coke!

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The 3 B’s. Or is it 4?

And just like the rest of the world, I’ve decided to start a blog.

And just like the rest of the world, I have a good reason for doing so! Really!

It’s all in the name: Barbells Bikes and Bones. Shall I explain?

Barbells are for CrossFit… no wait, where are you going?! Come back!!

I know, we all have that CrossFit friend. The one that can’t stop talking about the WOD (“Why does he keep talking about blowing his wad?”) and the superiority of Paleo diets (“I was under the impression that not having to fight saber tooth cats for the privilege to scavenge a rotting carcass was a good thing?”) and Annie Thorisdottir (“I thought Thor’s daughter’s name was Torunn?”). I like to think that I’m not one of those CrossFit crazies, but perhaps I flatter myself.

Lori and Lisa behind me seem to really trust that I'm not going to drop that barbell on them.

Lori and Lisa behind me seem to really trust that I’m not going to drop that barbell on them.

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